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Kauri Gum Notched Rei Niho with a Kauri Gum insert at the top.

Carved by Conrad Henderson of Tauranga

Approx 70mm long x 40mm wide at the top.

Finished in black cord, with a plaited slip-knot cord.

Kauri Gum is the fossilised resin or sap of the Kauri tree. The age of the gum can vary significantly – anywhere from a few hundred years old to many hundreds of thousands of years old.

Used for generations by Maori as chewing gum, for lighting fires and tattooing, more recently the gum is used for jewellery and collectors exhibits.

Kauri Gum Notched Rei Niho (Black # 2)

Kauri Gum Notched Rei Niho with a Kauri Gum insert at the top.

Carved by Conrad Henderson of Tauranga

Approx 70mm long x 40mm wide at the top.

$ 320.00

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Kauri Gum Notched Rei Niho (Black # 2)